NHM Ahmednagar Recruitment 2020
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NHM Ahmednagar Recruitment 2020
National Health Mission, Ahmednagar has published a recruitment notification of Medical & Para Medical Staff.
For more important details please refer the official notification only. If you
have any query regarding it comment, please.
The interested and eligible candidates can apply via email covidnagarhr@gmail.com with prescribed
format application and documents till 7th
July 2020.
Post Name |
Vacancies |
Qualification |
Pay Scale |
Physician |
13 |
MD Medicine |
Rs.75000+performance |
Medical Officer MBBS |
77 |
Rs.60000 |
Medical Officer AYUSH |
35 |
Rs.30000 |
Staff Nurse |
172 |
B.Sc. Nursing/GNM |
Rs.20000 |
X-Ray Technician |
03 |
Retired X-Ray Technician |
Rs.17000 |
ECG Technician |
26 |
B.Sc. with Physics/Chemistry/Biology & Experience of ECG
Technician at least 1 year |
Rs.17000 |
Lab Technician |
51 |
B.Sc. DMLT |
Rs.17000 |
Pharmacist |
25 |
B.Pharm/B.Pharm |
Rs.17000 |
Data Entry Operator (DEO) |
25 |
Any Graduate, English Typing 40 wpm, Marathi Typing 30 wpm
& MS-CIT |
Rs.17000 |