ITBP Recruitment 2020
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ITBP Recruitment 2020
Border Police Force (ITBP) has published a recruitment notification
of Constable
(GD). For more important details please refer the official
notification only. If you have any query regarding it comment please. The interested and eligible candidates can
apply online till 26th August
Post Name |
Vacancies |
Pay Scale |
Constable (GD) |
51 |
Rs.21700-69100/- |
Discipline |
Male |
Female |
Boxing |
Male |
Female |
Wresting |
– |
Female |
Kabaddi |
Male |
– |
Archery |
Male |
Female |
Volleyball |
Male |
– |
Sports Shooting |
Male |
Female |
Ice Hockey |
Male |
– |
Age Limit, Qualification As per norms.
For General & OBC Male Candidates Rs100/-
For SC/ST & Female Candidates Nil.
Payment Mode online.
Important Dates:
Starting Date for Apply
Online |
13/07/2020 |
Closing Date for Apply Online |
26/08/2020 |
Disclaimer: Kindly check the all details from the respective website before apply.