Maharashtra Administrative Tribunal Recruitment 2020
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Maharashtra Administrative Tribunal has published a recruitment notification of Stenographer, Librarian & Other Posts. For more important details please refer to the official notification only. If you have any query regarding it comment, please. The interested and eligible candidates can apply online along with a self-attested copy of requisite certificates at till 25th July 2020.
Post Name |
Vacancies |
Qualification |
Pay Scale |
Librarian |
03 |
in Library Science |
Rs.41800-132300/- |
(H.G.) |
03 |
Pass/Speed in Shorthand |
Rs.41800-132300/- |
(L.G.) |
02 |
Pass/Speed in Shorthand |
Rs.38600-122800/- |
Steno-typist |
03 |
Pass/Speed in Shorthand |
Rs.25500-81100/ |
Age Limit:
For all posts 18-38
Yrs. as on 25-07-2020 +5 years
relaxation for Backward Class.
Pay Scale:
For Librarian & Stenographer
(H.G.) Rs. 41800-132300/-.
For Stenographer (L.G.) Rs. 38600-122800/-.
For Steno-typist Rs. 25500-81100/-
Application Fees:
No fee for all candidates.
Disclaimer: Kindly checkthe all details from the respective website before apply.