Government Jobs Kokan Railway Recruitment
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Government Jobs Kokan Railway Recruitment
Government Jobs Vacancies Details:
Post Name |
Vacancies |
Qualification |
Age Limit |
Pay Scale |
Technical Assistant (Signal & Telecommunication) |
18 |
time Engineering Degree (BE/B.Tech) in Electronics/Electrical &
Electronics/Electronics & Telecommunication/Instrumentation |
25 years as on 1st Feb 2021 |
Rs.30000 |
Government Jobs Application Fees:
All Candidates No Fees.
Important Dates of this government jobs:
Interview Date start from |
20/04/2021 |
Last Date for Interview |
23/04/2021 |
How to apply for these government jobs?
Interested and Eligible candidates may walk in
20th April 2021 to 23rd April 2021..
To view the official notification click here.
Which post have available in these government jobs recruitment notice?
Ans see
para vacancies details.
Q2 How many government jobs
vacancies are available ?
Ans. 18 Posts.
Q3 What
is the minimum qualification required for these government jobs vacancies?
Ans as
per post see para vacancies details.
Q4 What
is the minimum age limit required for this government jobs hiring?
Ans. as per
post see para vacancies details.
What is the last date of submission of this government jobs application?
Ans. 20/04/2021.
Q6. Is it a part time
government jobs?
Ans. No
Q7. How
can I apply for these
government jobs?
Ans. see para how to apply.
What is prescribed format of government jobs
Ans. See para how to apply.
Q9. What is pay
scale for these government
Ans. as per post see para
vacancies details.
What is the jobs location of these government jobs?
Ans. New Mumbai.